Thursday, 18 October 2018

So many college students are having in a difficult situatiuon where they are unvcertain what path to take in life. By supporting this crowdfunding campaign you can help some of these kids get mentoring and life coaching.

Please visit for more details-
There is currently a big problem happening in America where many teenagers are lost and confused because they don't have parents helping them. Support this campaign so that teenagers can get the help they need!

Please visit for more details-
Are you concerned that many college students are stuck in debt only to find themselves having a hard time getting a job? Then support this Crowdrise campaign to help these kids get their life on the right track!.
Please visit for more details-
Do you feel passionate about helping the homeless population? Then support this campaign on Indiegogo where you can help raise funds to help the homeless people get an opportunity to work with a life coach.
Please visit for more details-
Have you ever thought about working with a life coach? Then check out life coach Sam on Patreon as he provides free content for those looking to make changes to their life..
Please visit for more details-
Do you have a hard time feeling confident and believing in yourself? The writer of this post shares some tips on what you can do to feel more confident.

Please visit for more details-
Here is a campaign to help raise money for teenagers who are being raised by single parents and are in need of life coaching and counseling to support them in their life.
Please visit for more details-
An in depth article that provides tips and tools for people who want to find their dream
job and create a career they love. 
Please visit for more details-

A crowdfunding campaign to help raise money for college kids who need support and guidance so they can be more successful once they leave school. Please visit for more details-